PUT | /customers/{customerId}/invoiceterms/{id} | Updates an existing Invoice Term entry for this Customer. |
Name | Parameter | Data Type | Required | Description |
CustomerId | path | Guid | Yes | The customer Id. |
Id | path | Guid | Yes | The invoice term Id. |
StartDate | body | DateTime | Yes | The start date when this invoice term becomes active. |
EndDate | body | DateTime | No | The end date when this invoice term is no longer active. |
FlatServiceFee | body | decimal | No | The flat service fee. |
FlatServiceFeeShow | body | int | No | Whether or not to show the flat service fee. (0 = false, 1 = true) |
FieldCrewFlatRate | body | decimal | No | The field crew flat rate. |
FieldCrewHourlyRate | body | decimal | No | The field crew hourly rate. |
FieldCrewShow | body | int | No | Wheither or not to show the field crew rates. (0 = false, 1 = true) |
PerBootAppliedFee | body | decimal | No | The per boot applied fee. |
PerBootAppliedShow | body | int | No | Whether or not to show the per boot applied fee. (0 = false, 1 = true) |
PerBootPaidFee | body | decimal | No | The per boot paid fee. |
PerBootPaidShow | body | int | No | Whether or not to show the per boot paid fee. (0 = false, 1 = true) |
PerNoticeAppliedFee | body | decimal | No | The per notice applied fee. |
PerNoticeAppliedShow | body | int | No | Whether or not to show the per notice applied fee. (0 = false, 1 = true) |
PerNoticePaidFee | body | decimal | No | The per notice paid fee. |
PerNoticePaidShow | body | int | No | Whether or not to show the per notice paid fee. (0 = false, 1 = true) |
PerTowFee | body | decimal | No | The per tow fee. |
PerTowShow | body | int | No | Whether or not to show the per tow fee. (0 = false, 1 = true) |
PerTowPaid | body | decimal | No | The per tow paid fee. |
PerTowPaidShow | body | int | No | Whether or not to show the per tow paid fee. (0 = false, 1 = true) |
TicketContingencyPercent | body | decimal | No | The ticket contingency percent. |
TicketContingencyShow | body | int | No | Whether or not to show the ticket contingency percent. (0 = false, 1 = true) |
TieredPaymentShow | body | int | No | Whether or not to show tiered payment. (0 = false, 1 = true) |
InvoicePaylockFees | body | int | No | The invoice PayLock fees. |
InvoiceMerchantFees | body | int | No | The invoice mechant fees. |
ContactName | body | string | No | The contact name. |
ContactCompany | body | string | No | The contact company. |
ContactAddressLine1 | body | string | No | The contact address line 1. |
ContactAddressLine2 | body | string | No | The contact address line 2. |
ContactCity | body | string | No | The contact city. |
ContactState | body | string | No | The contact state. |
ContactZip | body | string | No | The contact zip code. |
ContactPhone | body | string | No | The contact phone. |
ContactEmail | body | string | No | The contact email. |
PaylockContact | body | string | No | The PayLock contact name. |
PaymentDueDateDesc | body | string | No | The payment due date description. |
GracePeriod | body | int | No | The grace period. |
CashPaymentsOwnedByPaylock | body | bool | No | Whether or not cash payments are owned by PayLock. |
IsNetRemit | body | bool | No | Whether or not it is net remit. |
PaymentTerms | body | string | No | Description of the payment terms. |
PerBootFeePaidShow | body | int | No | Whether or not to show per boot fee paid. (0 = false, 1 = true) |
PerNoticeFeePaidShow | body | int | No | Whether or not to show per boot fee paid. (0 = false, 1 = true) |
InvoiceConvenienceFees | body | bool | No | Whether or not there are convenience fees. |
InvoiceSalesTax | body | bool | No | Whether or not there is invoice sales tax. |
TicketContingencySlidingScaleShow | body | bool | No | Whether or not to show the ticket contingency sliding scale. |
PerBootReleaseFeePaidShow | body | int | No | Whether or not to show per boot release fee paid. (0 = false, 1 = true) |
ProrateRevenueAdjustments | body | bool | No | Whether or not there are prorated revenue adjustments. |
RedLightContingencyPercent | body | decimal | No | The red light contingency percent. |
NoticeContingencyPercent | body | decimal | No | The notice contingency percent. |
NoticeContingencyPercentShow | body | string | No | Whether or not to show the notice contingency percent. |
NoticeContingencyAmountShow | body | string | No | Whether or not to show the notice contingency amount. |
To override the Content-type in your clients, use the HTTP Accept Header, append the .jsv suffix or ?format=jsv
The following are sample HTTP requests and responses. The placeholders shown need to be replaced with actual values.
PUT /customers/{customerId}/invoiceterms/{id} HTTP/1.1
Host: api.paylock.com
Accept: text/jsv
Content-Type: text/jsv
Content-Length: length
startDate: 0001-01-01,
endDate: 0001-01-01,
flatServiceFee: 0,
flatServiceFeeShow: 0,
fieldCrewFlatRate: 0,
fieldCrewHourlyRate: 0,
fieldCrewShow: 0,
perBootAppliedFee: 0,
perBootAppliedShow: 0,
perBootPaidFee: 0,
perBootPaidShow: 0,
perNoticeAppliedFee: 0,
perNoticeAppliedShow: 0,
perNoticePaidFee: 0,
perNoticePaidShow: 0,
perTowFee: 0,
perTowShow: 0,
perTowPaid: 0,
perTowPaidShow: 0,
ticketContingencyPercent: 0,
ticketContingencyShow: 0,
tieredPaymentShow: 0,
invoicePaylockFees: 0,
invoiceMerchantFees: 0,
contactName: String,
contactCompany: String,
contactAddressLine1: String,
contactAddressLine2: String,
contactCity: String,
contactState: String,
contactZip: String,
contactPhone: String,
contactEmail: String,
paylockContact: String,
paymentDueDateDesc: String,
gracePeriod: 0,
cashPaymentsOwnedByPaylock: False,
isNetRemit: False,
paymentTerms: String,
perBootFeePaidShow: 0,
perNoticeFeePaidShow: 0,
invoiceConvenienceFees: False,
invoiceSalesTax: False,
ticketContingencySlidingScaleShow: False,
perBootReleaseFeePaidShow: 0,
prorateRevenueAdjustments: False,
redLightContingencyPercent: 0,
noticeContingencyPercent: 0,
noticeContingencyPercentShow: False,
noticeContingencyAmountShow: False
HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: text/jsv Content-Length: length 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000