The following operations are supported. For a formal definition, please review the Service XSD.
CheckFeatureToggle | JSON | XML | JSV | CSV |
CreateBatchType | JSON | XML | JSV | CSV |
CreateBillType | JSON | XML | JSV | CSV |
CreateBootAudit | JSON | XML | JSV | CSV |
CreateBootAuditWithoutBootRecord | JSON | XML | JSV | CSV |
CreateBootHistory | JSON | XML | JSV | CSV |
CreateBootRecord | JSON | XML | JSV | CSV |
CreateBootRecordHistory | JSON | XML | JSV | CSV |
CreateBootRevision | JSON | XML | JSV | CSV |
CreateBoots | JSON | XML | JSV | CSV |
CreateCollectionAttemptFollow | JSON | XML | JSV | CSV |
CreateCollectionAttemptNote | JSON | XML | JSV | CSV |
CreateCustomerAdministrativeReleaseReason | JSON | XML | JSV | CSV |
CreateCustomerAssistedReleaseReason | JSON | XML | JSV | CSV |
CreateCustomerAttribute | JSON | XML | JSV | CSV |
CreateCustomerBatchConfiguration | JSON | XML | JSV | CSV |
CreateCustomerBatchFileDefinition | JSON | XML | JSV | CSV |
CreateCustomerBatchFileDefinitionProperties | JSON | XML | JSV | CSV |
CreateCustomerBillType | JSON | XML | JSV | CSV |
CreateCustomerBillTypeFee | JSON | XML | JSV | CSV |
CreateCustomerBootReason | JSON | XML | JSV | CSV |
CreateCustomerCityCenter | JSON | XML | JSV | CSV |
CreateCustomerFieldCrew | JSON | XML | JSV | CSV |
CreateCustomerFieldCrewHours | JSON | XML | JSV | CSV |
CreateCustomerHexBatchFileDefinition | JSON | XML | JSV | CSV |
CreateCustomerHotlistLineAppender | JSON | XML | JSV | CSV |
CreateCustomerInvoiceTerm | JSON | XML | JSV | CSV |
CreateCustomerMlprComputer | JSON | XML | JSV | CSV |
CreateCustomerMlprVan | JSON | XML | JSV | CSV |
CreateCustomerNoticeProgram | JSON | XML | JSV | CSV |
CreateCustomerNoticeType | JSON | XML | JSV | CSV |
CreateCustomerOfficer | JSON | XML | JSV | CSV |
CreateCustomerParkingArea | JSON | XML | JSV | CSV |
CreateCustomerParkingAreaGroup | JSON | XML | JSV | CSV |
CreateCustomerPartner | JSON | XML | JSV | CSV |
CreateCustomerPaymentGateway | JSON | XML | JSV | CSV |
CreateCustomerQueuedForTowReason | JSON | XML | JSV | CSV |
CreateCustomerReturnLocation | JSON | XML | JSV | CSV |
CreateCustomerTicketSlidingScaleRate | JSON | XML | JSV | CSV |
CreateCustomerTowCompany | JSON | XML | JSV | CSV |
CreateEligibilityOverrideReason | JSON | XML | JSV | CSV |
CreateEmail | JSON | XML | JSV | CSV |
CreateMergeHistory | JSON | XML | JSV | CSV |
CreateMlprRoleSelectionHistory | JSON | XML | JSV | CSV |
CreateNoticeRecord | JSON | XML | JSV | CSV |
CreatePartner | JSON | XML | JSV | CSV |
CreatePaylockPaymentPlan | JSON | XML | JSV | CSV |
CreatePaylockPaymentPlanPayment | JSON | XML | JSV | CSV |
CreatePaylockPaymentPlanPaymentChargeback | JSON | XML | JSV | CSV |
CreatePayment | JSON | XML | JSV | CSV |
CreateSms | JSON | XML | JSV | CSV |
CreateTowRecord | JSON | XML | JSV | CSV |
CreateTowRecordHistory | JSON | XML | JSV | CSV |
CreateWriteoffReason | JSON | XML | JSV | CSV |
DefaultPaylockPaymentPlanPayment | JSON | XML | JSV | CSV |
DeleteBatchType | JSON | XML | JSV | CSV |
DeleteBillType | JSON | XML | JSV | CSV |
DeleteCollectionAttemptFollow | JSON | XML | JSV | CSV |
DeleteCustomerAdministrativeReleaseReason | JSON | XML | JSV | CSV |
DeleteCustomerAssistedReleaseReason | JSON | XML | JSV | CSV |
DeleteCustomerAttribute | JSON | XML | JSV | CSV |
DeleteCustomerBatchConfiguration | JSON | XML | JSV | CSV |
DeleteCustomerBatchConfigurationsByBatchType | JSON | XML | JSV | CSV |
DeleteCustomerBatchFileDefinition | JSON | XML | JSV | CSV |
DeleteCustomerBillType | JSON | XML | JSV | CSV |
DeleteCustomerBillTypeFee | JSON | XML | JSV | CSV |
DeleteCustomerBootReason | JSON | XML | JSV | CSV |
DeleteCustomerCityCenter | JSON | XML | JSV | CSV |
DeleteCustomerFieldCrew | JSON | XML | JSV | CSV |
DeleteCustomerFieldcrewHours | JSON | XML | JSV | CSV |
DeleteCustomerHexBatchFileDefinition | JSON | XML | JSV | CSV |
DeleteCustomerInvoiceTerm | JSON | XML | JSV | CSV |
DeleteCustomerMlprComputer | JSON | XML | JSV | CSV |
DeleteCustomerMlprVan | JSON | XML | JSV | CSV |
DeleteCustomerNoticeProgram | JSON | XML | JSV | CSV |
DeleteCustomerNoticeType | JSON | XML | JSV | CSV |
DeleteCustomerParkingArea | JSON | XML | JSV | CSV |
DeleteCustomerParkingAreaGroup | JSON | XML | JSV | CSV |
DeleteCustomerPartner | JSON | XML | JSV | CSV |
DeleteCustomerPaymentGateway | JSON | XML | JSV | CSV |
DeleteCustomerQueuedForTowReason | JSON | XML | JSV | CSV |
DeleteCustomerReturnLocation | JSON | XML | JSV | CSV |
DeleteCustomerTicketSlidingScaleRate | JSON | XML | JSV | CSV |
DeleteCustomerTowCompany | JSON | XML | JSV | CSV |
DeleteEligibilityOverrideReason | JSON | XML | JSV | CSV |
DeletePartner | JSON | XML | JSV | CSV |
DeleteUserCache | JSON | XML | JSV | CSV |
DisableEligibilityPolicyOverride | JSON | XML | JSV | CSV |
EmailPaymentReceipt | JSON | XML | JSV | CSV |
FindAssistedReleases | JSON | XML | JSV | CSV |
FindAssistedReleasesPost | JSON | XML | JSV | CSV |
FindBills | JSON | XML | JSV | CSV |
FindBootRecords | JSON | XML | JSV | CSV |
FindCollectionAttempts | JSON | XML | JSV | CSV |
FindCustomerBootReturnLocations | JSON | XML | JSV | CSV |
FindCustomerReturnLocations | JSON | XML | JSV | CSV |
FindCustomers | JSON | XML | JSV | CSV |
FindNoticeRecords | JSON | XML | JSV | CSV |
FindPayments | JSON | XML | JSV | CSV |
FindTowHoldRecords | JSON | XML | JSV | CSV |
FindTowRecords | JSON | XML | JSV | CSV |
FindUsers | JSON | XML | JSV | CSV |
FindVehicles | JSON | XML | JSV | CSV |
FixBootHistory | JSON | XML | JSV | CSV |
GetAllBootersThreshold | JSON | XML | JSV | CSV |
GetAllBootingActivelyByCustomer | JSON | XML | JSV | CSV |
GetAllComputers | JSON | XML | JSV | CSV |
GetAllPaymentGatewayStatusByCustomer | JSON | XML | JSV | CSV |
GetAllPaymentsAppliedToBill | JSON | XML | JSV | CSV |
GetAllScofflawImportStats | JSON | XML | JSV | CSV |
GetAllStates | JSON | XML | JSV | CSV |
GetApplications | JSON | XML | JSV | CSV |
GetBatchFileActualColumnTypes | JSON | XML | JSV | CSV |
GetBatchFileDefinitionFieldConverters | JSON | XML | JSV | CSV |
GetBatchFileLayoutTypes | JSON | XML | JSV | CSV |
GetBatchFileTypes | JSON | XML | JSV | CSV |
GetBatchRecordTypes | JSON | XML | JSV | CSV |
GetBatchRecorProperties | JSON | XML | JSV | CSV |
GetBatchRecorPropertyReducers | JSON | XML | JSV | CSV |
GetBatchTypes | JSON | XML | JSV | CSV |
GetBehavioursSupportedDefinition | JSON | XML | JSV | CSV |
GetBehaviourStatus | JSON | XML | JSV | CSV |
GetBillTypes | JSON | XML | JSV | CSV |
GetBootActivity | JSON | XML | JSV | CSV |
GetBootCodes | JSON | XML | JSV | CSV |
GetBootCondition | JSON | XML | JSV | CSV |
GetBootDamageTypes | JSON | XML | JSV | CSV |
GetBootDetails | JSON | XML | JSV | CSV |
GetBootHistories | JSON | XML | JSV | CSV |
GetBootRecordHistories | JSON | XML | JSV | CSV |
GetBootRecordsByTowStatus | JSON | XML | JSV | CSV |
GetBootRecordStatuses | JSON | XML | JSV | CSV |
GetBootReturnInformation | JSON | XML | JSV | CSV |
GetBootRevisions | JSON | XML | JSV | CSV |
GetBootStatuses | JSON | XML | JSV | CSV |
GetBootVersions | JSON | XML | JSV | CSV |
GetCallRecordings | JSON | XML | JSV | CSV |
GetCanLockOrUnlockCollectionAttempt | JSON | XML | JSV | CSV |
GetCollectionAttempt | JSON | XML | JSV | CSV |
GetCollectionAttemptBills | JSON | XML | JSV | CSV |
GetCollectionAttemptDistinctPayments | JSON | XML | JSV | CSV |
GetCollectionAttemptIntegrityResults | JSON | XML | JSV | CSV |
GetCollectionAttemptPayments | JSON | XML | JSV | CSV |
GetCollectionAttempts | JSON | XML | JSV | CSV |
GetCollectionAttemptVehicle | JSON | XML | JSV | CSV |
GetCollectionAttemptVehiclesWithBills | JSON | XML | JSV | CSV |
GetCollectionAttemptWebServiceLogs | JSON | XML | JSV | CSV |
GetCommonEligibility | JSON | XML | JSV | CSV |
GetComputerHistory | JSON | XML | JSV | CSV |
GetConvenienceFee | JSON | XML | JSV | CSV |
GetCurrentBootCustomerAndStatus | JSON | XML | JSV | CSV |
GetCurrentBootStatus | JSON | XML | JSV | CSV |
GetCurrentNoticeCustomers | JSON | XML | JSV | CSV |
GetCurrentUser | JSON | XML | JSV | CSV |
GetCustomer | JSON | XML | JSV | CSV |
GetCustomerAdministrativeReleaseReasons | JSON | XML | JSV | CSV |
GetCustomerAssistedReleaseReasons | JSON | XML | JSV | CSV |
GetCustomerAttribute | JSON | XML | JSV | CSV |
GetCustomerAttributes | JSON | XML | JSV | CSV |
GetCustomerBatchConfigurations | JSON | XML | JSV | CSV |
GetCustomerBatchFileDefinitionBatchRecordProperties | JSON | XML | JSV | CSV |
GetCustomerBatchFileDefinitionFields | JSON | XML | JSV | CSV |
GetCustomerBatchFileDefinitions | JSON | XML | JSV | CSV |
GetCustomerBatchFileDefinitionsByBatchType | JSON | XML | JSV | CSV |
GetCustomerBillTypeFees | JSON | XML | JSV | CSV |
GetCustomerBillTypes | JSON | XML | JSV | CSV |
GetCustomerBootLatestStatus | JSON | XML | JSV | CSV |
GetCustomerBootReasons | JSON | XML | JSV | CSV |
GetCustomerBoots | JSON | XML | JSV | CSV |
GetCustomerCityCenters | JSON | XML | JSV | CSV |
GetCustomerEligibilityOverrideReasons | JSON | XML | JSV | CSV |
GetCustomerFieldCrewHours | JSON | XML | JSV | CSV |
GetCustomerFieldCrews | JSON | XML | JSV | CSV |
GetCustomerHexBatchFileDefinitions | JSON | XML | JSV | CSV |
GetCustomerInvoiceTerms | JSON | XML | JSV | CSV |
GetCustomerMlprComputer | JSON | XML | JSV | CSV |
GetCustomerMlprVan | JSON | XML | JSV | CSV |
GetCustomerNextTowScheduleTiming | JSON | XML | JSV | CSV |
GetCustomerNoticePrograms | JSON | XML | JSV | CSV |
GetCustomerNoticeTypes | JSON | XML | JSV | CSV |
GetCustomerOfficers | JSON | XML | JSV | CSV |
GetCustomerParkingArea | JSON | XML | JSV | CSV |
GetCustomerParkingAreaGroup | JSON | XML | JSV | CSV |
GetCustomerParkingAreaGroups | JSON | XML | JSV | CSV |
GetCustomerParkingAreas | JSON | XML | JSV | CSV |
GetCustomerPartners | JSON | XML | JSV | CSV |
GetCustomerPaymentGateways | JSON | XML | JSV | CSV |
GetCustomerPolicy | JSON | XML | JSV | CSV |
GetCustomerPolicyRuleTypes | JSON | XML | JSV | CSV |
GetCustomerQueuedForTowReasons | JSON | XML | JSV | CSV |
GetCustomerTicketSlidingScaleRates | JSON | XML | JSV | CSV |
GetCustomerTowCompanies | JSON | XML | JSV | CSV |
GetDevice | JSON | XML | JSV | CSV |
GetDeviceAlerts | JSON | XML | JSV | CSV |
GetDeviceBehaviours | JSON | XML | JSV | CSV |
GetDeviceMessages | JSON | XML | JSV | CSV |
GetDevices | JSON | XML | JSV | CSV |
GetDeviceStatus | JSON | XML | JSV | CSV |
GetDocumentProofTypes | JSON | XML | JSV | CSV |
GetDuplicateStickerIds | JSON | XML | JSV | CSV |
GetEligibleVehicleListBuilders | JSON | XML | JSV | CSV |
GetEnforcementZone | JSON | XML | JSV | CSV |
GetFeatureToggleDetails | JSON | XML | JSV | CSV |
GetFeatureToggles | JSON | XML | JSV | CSV |
GetFeatureToggleStatus | JSON | XML | JSV | CSV |
GetFullStateInfoByStateCode | JSON | XML | JSV | CSV |
GetGatewayResponse | JSON | XML | JSV | CSV |
GetHotlistLineAppenders | JSON | XML | JSV | CSV |
GetHotlistWriterBatchFileTypes | JSON | XML | JSV | CSV |
GetLastBootSerialNumberUsed | JSON | XML | JSV | CSV |
GetLatestTowholdCollectionAttempt | JSON | XML | JSV | CSV |
GetMergeHistory | JSON | XML | JSV | CSV |
GetMlprRoleSelectionCustomers | JSON | XML | JSV | CSV |
GetMlprRoleSelectionHistory | JSON | XML | JSV | CSV |
GetMlprRoleSelectionUserRoles | JSON | XML | JSV | CSV |
GetMsEligibilityHistory | JSON | XML | JSV | CSV |
GetMyUserCustomers | JSON | XML | JSV | CSV |
GetMyUsername | JSON | XML | JSV | CSV |
GetMyUserPermissions | JSON | XML | JSV | CSV |
GetNoticeRecordHistories | JSON | XML | JSV | CSV |
GetOptiRoutePoints | JSON | XML | JSV | CSV |
GetOverPaidBills | JSON | XML | JSV | CSV |
GetPartners | JSON | XML | JSV | CSV |
GetPayment | JSON | XML | JSV | CSV |
GetPaymentAlerts | JSON | XML | JSV | CSV |
GetPaymentById | JSON | XML | JSV | CSV |
GetPaymentGateways | JSON | XML | JSV | CSV |
GetPaymentProcessingTestModeOptions | JSON | XML | JSV | CSV |
GetPaymentReceipt | JSON | XML | JSV | CSV |
GetPaymentTypes | JSON | XML | JSV | CSV |
GetPaymentTypesWithCardType | JSON | XML | JSV | CSV |
GetPreBootWarningsForVehicle | JSON | XML | JSV | CSV |
GetPrePaymentAlerts | JSON | XML | JSV | CSV |
GetReleaseContactNumber | JSON | XML | JSV | CSV |
GetReleaseEligibility | JSON | XML | JSV | CSV |
GetReturnLocationBoots | JSON | XML | JSV | CSV |
GetScofflawImportProcesses | JSON | XML | JSV | CSV |
GetScofflawImportStatsForToday | JSON | XML | JSV | CSV |
GetSearchVehicles | JSON | XML | JSV | CSV |
GetTowHoldRecordStatuses | JSON | XML | JSV | CSV |
GetTowRecordHistories | JSON | XML | JSV | CSV |
GetTowRecordStatuses | JSON | XML | JSV | CSV |
GetUser | JSON | XML | JSV | CSV |
GetUserCustomers | JSON | XML | JSV | CSV |
GetUserPaymentPermission | JSON | XML | JSV | CSV |
GetUserTypeAheadResults | JSON | XML | JSV | CSV |
GetVehicle | JSON | XML | JSV | CSV |
GetVehicleAlerts | JSON | XML | JSV | CSV |
GetVehicleAlertTypes | JSON | XML | JSV | CSV |
GetVehicleBills | JSON | XML | JSV | CSV |
GetVehicleRecentBootActivity | JSON | XML | JSV | CSV |
GetVehicleWebServiceLogs | JSON | XML | JSV | CSV |
GetWriteoffReasons | JSON | XML | JSV | CSV |
Login | JSON | XML | JSV | CSV |
LoginUser | JSON | XML | JSV | CSV |
MoveCustomerMlprComputer | JSON | XML | JSV | CSV |
OverrideEligibilityPolicy | JSON | XML | JSV | CSV |
PaymentNotices | JSON | XML | JSV | CSV |
Ping | JSON | XML | JSV | CSV |
PostFeatureToggle | JSON | XML | JSV | CSV |
PutFeatureToggle | JSON | XML | JSV | CSV |
RecheckSystems | JSON | XML | JSV | CSV |
RefreshCollectionAttemptBills | JSON | XML | JSV | CSV |
ReleaseAssistedRelease | JSON | XML | JSV | CSV |
ResolveVehicleAlert | JSON | XML | JSV | CSV |
SaveCustomerPolicy | JSON | XML | JSV | CSV |
saveEnforcementZoneHistory | JSON | XML | JSV | CSV |
SaveUser | JSON | XML | JSV | CSV |
SetBehaviour | JSON | XML | JSV | CSV |
SsoLogin | JSON | XML | JSV | CSV |
SYR_PostAutomatedTicketImporterTask | JSON | XML | JSV | CSV |
SystemCheck | JSON | XML | JSV | CSV |
UnresolveVehicleAlert | JSON | XML | JSV | CSV |
UpdateAssistedRelease | JSON | XML | JSV | CSV |
UpdateBatchType | JSON | XML | JSV | CSV |
UpdateBillType | JSON | XML | JSV | CSV |
UpdateBootCondition | JSON | XML | JSV | CSV |
UpdateBootCustomer | JSON | XML | JSV | CSV |
UpdateBootingActively | JSON | XML | JSV | CSV |
UpdateBootLocation | JSON | XML | JSV | CSV |
UpdateBootLocationFromPage | JSON | XML | JSV | CSV |
UpdateBootRecordStatus | JSON | XML | JSV | CSV |
UpdateCollectionAttemptBootStatus | JSON | XML | JSV | CSV |
UpdateCollectionAttemptVehicleBills | JSON | XML | JSV | CSV |
UpdateCurrentBootStatus | JSON | XML | JSV | CSV |
UpdateCustomerAdministrativeReleaseReason | JSON | XML | JSV | CSV |
UpdateCustomerAssistedReleaseReason | JSON | XML | JSV | CSV |
UpdateCustomerAttribute | JSON | XML | JSV | CSV |
UpdateCustomerBatchConfiguration | JSON | XML | JSV | CSV |
UpdateCustomerBatchFileDefinition | JSON | XML | JSV | CSV |
UpdateCustomerBillType | JSON | XML | JSV | CSV |
UpdateCustomerBillTypeFee | JSON | XML | JSV | CSV |
UpdateCustomerBooterThreshold | JSON | XML | JSV | CSV |
UpdateCustomerBootReason | JSON | XML | JSV | CSV |
UpdateCustomerCityCenter | JSON | XML | JSV | CSV |
UpdateCustomerFieldCrew | JSON | XML | JSV | CSV |
UpdateCustomerFieldCrewHours | JSON | XML | JSV | CSV |
UpdateCustomerHexBatchFileDefinition | JSON | XML | JSV | CSV |
UpdateCustomerHotlistLineAppender | JSON | XML | JSV | CSV |
UpdateCustomerInvoiceTerm | JSON | XML | JSV | CSV |
UpdateCustomerMlprComputer | JSON | XML | JSV | CSV |
UpdateCustomerMlprVan | JSON | XML | JSV | CSV |
UpdateCustomerNoticeProgram | JSON | XML | JSV | CSV |
UpdateCustomerNoticeType | JSON | XML | JSV | CSV |
UpdateCustomerOfficer | JSON | XML | JSV | CSV |
UpdateCustomerParkingArea | JSON | XML | JSV | CSV |
UpdateCustomerParkingAreaGroup | JSON | XML | JSV | CSV |
UpdateCustomerPartner | JSON | XML | JSV | CSV |
UpdateCustomerPaymentGateway | JSON | XML | JSV | CSV |
UpdateCustomerQueuedForTowReason | JSON | XML | JSV | CSV |
UpdateCustomerReferenceNumber | JSON | XML | JSV | CSV |
UpdateCustomerReturnLocation | JSON | XML | JSV | CSV |
UpdateCustomerTicketSlidingScaleRate | JSON | XML | JSV | CSV |
UpdateCustomerTowCompany | JSON | XML | JSV | CSV |
UpdateEligibilityOverrideReason | JSON | XML | JSV | CSV |
UpdateLockOrUnlockCollectionAttempt | JSON | XML | JSV | CSV |
UpdateMergeHistory | JSON | XML | JSV | CSV |
UpdatePartner | JSON | XML | JSV | CSV |